Growing up in a family business, I learned what helps organisations to succeed and the which paths can lead to failure. After graduating as a teacher in 1984, I worked in secondary education before I began looking for training roles in industry and I was fortunate to land a job with a national franchise company, where I set up the training and development department. Moving from education to business and professional development when I joined Business Link as a Business Adviser in the nineties felt like a natural conversion for me, as I really enjoyed coaching business owners. I was then combining my life experience with my degree and love of teaching.
I decided to further extend my qualifications with a CIPD post graduate diploma in training management followed by an MSc in Management, Education and Training at Leeds Beckett University and was soon running my own business providing training and management consultancy services to Training & Enterprise Councils and local businesses. One of my motivations to work in this field has always been to help aspiring entrepreneurs to realise their ambitions and the potential they have to fulfil them. I feel privileged every time that I play a role in one of their journeys.
For the last 12 years, I have worked in professional development in the Higher Education Sector designing and delivering professional development workshops and facilitating team building/culture change projects for leaders and colleagues.
I have accumulated over 1,200 teaching/training/facilitation hours over the last 12 years and get huge reward from helping people to discover their unrealised strengths, and from the journey we take together to uncover and build their self belief.